A member asked:

I had 2 cavity fillings, had a minor tooth decay. now i'm seeing decay in another 2 teeth. why is it happening so fast and at so small age.

5 doctors weighed in across 3 answers

2 issues: 1. there is a need to floss and brush well twice daily to remove plaque. 2. the combination of sugar from processed foods in the presence of acid from soda constitutes a perfect medium for tooth decay.

Answered 9/8/2014


Dr. Theodore Davantzis answered

Specializes in Dentistry

Tooth Decay: More info is needed regarding he breakdown of your teeth. Diet? Morphology? Professional hygiene visits? Decay occurs when acid from the bacteria in your mouth demineralize the enamel. Keep your teeth as clean as possible, watch your diet, and see your dentist twice a year to minimize your problem

Answered 9/9/2014


Dr. Paul Grin answered

Specializes in Pain Management

Rampant Decay: High sugar consumption in the form of simple sugars, poor oral hygiene and significant quantities of soda or sweetened beverages or citric acid are common causes of the disease. Good home care, limiting sugars in the diet, sweet sodas, adding fluoride and aggressive dental treatment is the secret of success.

Answered 9/8/2014



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