A member asked:

43y,fib 5cm,hvy periods,hypothyroid,now perinicious aneamia,unable to tolerate thyroxine,lot of heat in body, with pa thyroxine intolerance is there?

A doctor has provided 1 answer
Dr. Geoffrey Rutledge answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

Thyroxine dosage: If you are hypothyroid and your TSH is elevated, you do need thyroxine. The dosage needed should be adjusted, measuring your blood level of free T4 and T3, (liothyronine) and giving only as much as is needed to lower your TSH to the normal level. This is independent of your pernicious anemia. You don't have thyroxine intolerance, but you may need a relatively smaller dose (the amount needed varies for each).

Answered 8/19/2014



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