A member asked:

I've been told i have internal hemorrhoids.had them checked out (recently too). i eat fiber. drink some water. excruciating pain using restroom. why?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Pain: The pain IS really bad and is due to the fact that there is inflammation of the hemorrhoids in the area in contact with the stool. A very raw surface. There are many things you can try OTC. Drink lots of water to avoid constipation.

Answered 8/10/2014



Something Else: Excruciating pain upon defecation (pooping) is usually not a common symptom of internal hemorrhoids. Pain upon defecation usually is related to an underlying fissure. The best thing to do is to see a Colon and Rectal Surgeon. Go to www.fascrs.org and look for a board certified colon and rectal surgeon near you. All best!

Answered 12/5/2014



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