A member asked:

How many more calories would get burned running on a hot day 95 +. say on a scale from 1-5. the dangers of heatstroke and other complications known.

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Hydration is key: The total amount of calories burnt will not change significantly if you are expending the same amount of effort. The biggest concern is hydration. If the weather is hot you will sweat much more and lose much more of your body water. Staying hydrated is of vital importance when working out in hot weather. Heat stroke is life threatening so don't overdo it.

Answered 8/5/2014


Dr. Mabria Loqman answered

Specializes in Bariatrics

Depends: Amount of calories burned depends on intensity, time and distance. Your weight is also taken into account try this calculator - http://www.runnersworld.com/tools/calories-burned-calculator Running in cold weather makes you burn more calories. Hope this helps

Answered 8/5/2014



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