A member asked:

Why chest pain in right and shoulder also?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Hirenkumar Italia answered

Specializes in Family Medicine

Muscle Sprain: How long you have it? How did it start? If it did start after any strenuous activity or any sport? It can be Pectoralis Sprain or chest muscle sprain. Shoulder pain can be rotator cuff sprain or labrum tear. If it is cosntant and getting worse, needs to be evaluated.

Answered 8/2/2014


Dr. Matt Wachsman answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

Some ideas: Without an actual examination, I cannot give specific medical advice on your particular health, and, heart pain typically would be on the left and not in the right shoulder. Pain at the bottom of lung (diaphram) often goes to the shoulder and of course shoulder and neck problems can hurt there also. Mostly, it is a muscle. Mostly, moving in particular ways that trigger the pain indicate which one.

Answered 8/2/2014



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