A member asked:

My 11month old son wakes up at night at least 3 times a night. is this normal? besides sleep training techniques, what else can i do.

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Depends : Make sure you put him to sleep ... sleepy but not asleep. Assuming he is not in pain (teething, illness or GERD), I generally recommend letting them cry it out. Of course, this is best to discuss with his pediatrician. He/she knows his history, and can examine him.

Answered 7/30/2014


Dr. Natalie Hodge answered

Specializes in Pediatrics

Check Thyroid: I notice hypothyroidism in the past history for the baby? Definitely double check thyroid status for the baby. You are correct in utilizing "sleep training" to help the baby learn to self console. If he consoles readily at night when you pick him up, then you know he is not in serious pain from a tooth cutting or an ear infection! Best of luck you are on the right track!

Answered 5/9/2017



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