A member asked:

My husband, 65, gets severe leg and ankle cramps to where he cannot sleep. is there anything he can do to stop them?

9 doctors weighed in across 5 answers
Dr. John Munshower answered

Specializes in Family Medicine

Leg cramps: Leg cramps can be annoying as you well know. There can be electrolyte issues involved, etc. so it best to have him evaluated and some routine blood tests done. Usually, there may be no definitive cause found, but there are Rx medications that may help him. Best wishes to you both.

Answered 7/21/2014


Dr. Milroy Samuel answered

Specializes in Obstetrics and Gynecology

Yes: He needs a vascular study to see if the circulation to his legs are adequate.

Answered 7/21/2014


Dr. Liesa Harte answered

Specializes in Family Medicine

Cramps: Some common causes are a deficiency of magnesium, potassium, vitamin D, or dehydration.

Answered 7/21/2014


Dr. M. Hytham Beck answered

Specializes in Surgery

Yes: Leg cramp could be very painful it could be avoided by eating banana every night and drink some orange juice or eat an orange or any fruit that is rich on potassium if the does not help you can see your doctor he can put him on medicine for that

Answered 7/21/2014


Dr. Caroline Capitano answered

Specializes in Pain Management

Depends on why: There are many reasons that a person can get muscle cramps including medications and underlying medical conditions. Also the sensation of a cramp may represent a different symptoms/disorder. A complete examination/history and possibly studies needs to be done if this persists.

Answered 7/9/2018



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