Traumas are cumulatv: See an osteopathic medical doctor who can examine, and treat you! You had a tough fall both on the sacrum/tailbone, and head that will affect your neck, shoulders, low back, and hip, and make it uncomfortable to sit, or drive for long periods. No need to stay in pain. If you get dizzy, nauseous, feel like you're going to pass out, have a massive headache, or incredible pain, go to the ER.
Answered 5/17/2020
Your call: We aren't allowed to give you medical advice like this. I can say the injuries to the coccyx bone ( butt ) can take a long time to feel better even if there isn't a fracture. If that's what it is, ibuprofen & keeping pressure of the area is the treatment. I'd discuss it with your physician.
Answered 7/19/2014
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