A member asked:

Threw out my back 2 hours ago! i have some 4 year old expired vicodin n some 2 year old percocet but it makes me itchy. what can i take?pain level 9!

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Severe back pain: Really sorry about your back. Don't take the Percocet and I don't think the Vicodin will help either. You really need to go to the hospital and get something that will give you the relief you need. Good luck.

Answered 9/21/2016


Dr. William Witt answered

Specializes in Anesthesiology

Back pain: Assuming no liver or kidney disease take Tylenol (acetaminophen) and Naproxen together. They work on entirely different receptors. Then freeze water in a styrofoam cup and have someone slide the ice with firm pressure up and down on both sides of the spine. Notice cold and wet followed by stinging followed by dull ache; stop when numb. This usually takes about 15 minutes total then stretch. Repeat as needed.

Answered 7/13/2014



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