A member asked:

My daughter is 3 years and she had bad diaper rash for over a week which is not responding to zinc ointment..what should we do?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Resistant rash: Rashes caused from irritation from wetness, fragranced baby wipes or diaper allergies usually improve with use of over the counter barrier creams such as Desitin (zinc oxide diaper cream). If this rash is not improving, it may require a medicated cream to treat yeast.

Answered 6/21/2014



Hard without exam: A generic answer is every rash lasting more than 3 days will have some yeast in there as a factor. In some locals meds for this are available over the counter. Commercial wipes can aggravate any rash, so cleansing with mild soap/water and drying with a hair dryer/no heat can help.

Answered 5/1/2016



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