A member asked:

Ivf beta hcg numbers 1st 9 days post 5 day transfer 67, 4 days later 78, 2 days later 80 and 2 days later 165. definite chemical pregnancy or ectopic?

5 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Khurram Rehman answered

Specializes in Fertility Medicine

Can't say yet: We can't diagnose your pregnancy over the internet. 67 is an ok first beta, but it should rise by at least 50% every 48 hours. There is a slim chance that this could be a normal pregnancy, but more likely a biochemical pregnancy (hcg levels go up then down, never get high enough to see pregnancy on ultrasound), a miscarriage, or an ectopic. If severe pain/bleeding go to er. Your md will follow you.

Answered 11/28/2017



Not a normal: Pregnancy. Could be either chemical or ectopic, unfortunately. So sorry.

Answered 1/7/2019



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