A member asked:

I have low potassium could that make me have panic attacks or anxiety problems. my doctor did a ekg and chest xray and my heart is good?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Amanda Itzkoff answered

Specializes in Psychiatry

Not likely: It sounds like the Lo potassium was an incidental finding. After nl tests, it was determined it wasn't having clinical affects . Your sxs resemble those of panic disorder (arm pain, cp, shortness of breath), extreme anxiety, and fear of serious medical causes (like your continued concern that maybe k is the cause). Meet with your psych MD to discuss anxiety and treatments so you can be panic free

Answered 5/9/2016


Dr. James Okamoto answered

Specializes in Family Medicine

Unlikely: Panic attacks and anxiety are unlikely to be caused by low potassium, although I wish it were, since that would be easily treated with oral potassium! Unfortunately the cause of panic/anxiety is usually more complicated than that. Sometimes low levels of neurotransmitters are associated with anxiety disorders and/or underlying stress/fears/trauma may be a factor. I would discuss this with your MD

Answered 5/22/2014



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