A member asked:

I am taking welchol (colesevelam) after a cholec, 1/7/14, which left me with post-prandial diarrhea. med helps but still have it off &son. anything else i can take?

A doctor has provided 1 answer
Dr. Milton Alvis, jr answered

Specializes in Preventive Medicine

Statin+Zetia better: Most people become constipated with 6 Welchol/day. Imodium (loperamide) promotes diarrhea, thus ? dose/use. Welchol. 6/day. is approved for reducing LDL-C, but actual issue is LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein) particle concentrations. LDL-C not measured from persons blood & of the 3, 000-6, 000 typical fat molecules per LDL particle, widely varying amounts are cholesterol, thus a poor indicator.

Answered 6/25/2014



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