A member asked:

Is drinking a 106 ounces of water a day bad for you because that's what i drink nothing else no soda and especially no caffeine i liove water?

A doctor has provided 1 answer
Dr. Randy Baker answered

Specializes in Holistic Medicine

Not too much but...: There is no consensus on how much water to drink but most agree it's wise to drink 1/2 to 2/3 ounce per pound of weight a day, so a 160 lb person should drink 80-107 oz./day. Drinking soda is very unhealthy. Water is the best thing to drink. However, if your city's water is fluoridated i advise drinking fluoride-free water. See http://bit.Ly/1npjceu ; http://fluoridealert.Org/issues/health/.

Answered 1/5/2020



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