A member asked:

Do doctors give cortisone shots in the neck? and if they do what would be the reason? would it help if a person had burning pain in the neck?

5 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Alan Siegel answered

Specializes in Pain Management

YES: The answer to your question is complex. There are different injections that can be performed for neck pain. Some injections involve the use of cortisone (steroid) to reduce inflammation and others with a local anesthetic (numbing medicine like lidocaine) to diagnose the source of pain. Consider consulting with an interventional pain management physician in your area.

Answered 4/15/2015


Dr. Qamar Khan answered

Specializes in Pain Management

Yes: Cortisone injections in the neck could be for muscles (called trigger point injections), facet joints (facet joint injections) or into the spinal canal area called epidural steroid injections. Typically there are a lot of reasons to perform these, however the typical reason is inflammation from surrounding tissues or due to irritation in the area. I would discuss this with your spine or pain doc.

Answered 9/27/2014



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