A member asked:

My baby is 4 months, she is teething. . is it possible that her wisdom teeth could come out because i see white pointy teeth on the back in the side?

6 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Bruce Pope answered

Specializes in Dentistry

No: Wisdom teeth are the third permanent molar and come in during the late teens and early twenties. Baby teeth vary widely in time of eruption with the first coming about 6 months in the front. They are followed by a space where the eye tooth will eventually come. Then next tooth that comes in is a molar. But is is way to early for it to be coming in now. See your dentist and have him take a look.

Answered 3/18/2015



Wisdom teeth: Usually begin to form under the gums about age 8, and erupt into the mouth in late teens. Probably normal, but just to be sure see your pediatrician or a pediatric dental specialist.

Answered 4/30/2014



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