A member asked:

At 10 cm from nipple of right mammary gland is observed hardened area with non-homogeneous structure having microcalcifications.doctors advise surgery

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Yes for surgery: Today most lesions of the breast that are significant and defined on mammography and not on palpation. A small malignant lesion appears as a stellate lesion. The premalignant lesions are defined by the presence of microcalcium, that is very fine spots that are clustered and not scattered. If a cluster of 6-10 microcalciums are noted biopsy is indicated to rule out in-situ cancer.

Answered 4/24/2014


Dr. Michael Gabor answered

Specializes in Diagnostic Radiology

Breast biopsy: Usually image guided needle biopsy is performed first, to avoid unnecessary surgery and, if the biopsy turns out positive, to enable optimum presurgical planning and discussion of treatment options. Microcalcifications per se are not malignant or premalignant: 80% turn out to be benign on biopsy. I'm not sure what is meant by "non homogeneous structure", it is not standard breast US terminology

Answered 12/19/2016



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