A member asked:

I have klinefelter's syndrome, can i be a dad?

4 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

NEED a specialist: Men with klinefelter syndrome were considered infertile until 1996. Over the last decade, developments in microsurgical techniques and advances in artificial reproductive technologies (art) allowed more than 50% of patients with klinefelter syndrome to have their own children with the help of fertility doctors.

Answered 3/27/2014


Dr. George Klauber answered

Specializes in Pediatric Urology

Possibly: Requires help from a suitable fertility clinic. Men with klinfelter's and a normal serum testosterone (st) have a high rate of successful sperm extraction by testicular microdissection. Some men with lower st may respond to HCG stimulation to elevate st and have reasonable sperm retrieval. Then successful invitro fertilization or intracytoplasmic sperm injection techniques are required for success.

Answered 11/7/2015



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