Klinefelter: Klinefelters is a genetic disease caused by what is called "nondisjunction". Every male inherits an x chromosome from their mother and a y chromosome form their father making an xy male. Patients with klinefelters have an extra x chromosome and are thus XXY males.
Answered 3/19/2019
Neither: Klinefelter syndrome is caused by error in paternal or maternal meiosis.
Answered 3/19/2019
Error in formation: Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes. During the formation of the egg, each pair splits and one of each travels to the egg. At conception, the sperm brings 22 + an X or Y & the new embryo now has 23 pairs (two of each). In Kleinfelter, the egg retains 2 X chromosomes instead of 1 & the sperm brings a Y.The fetus then has 23 pairs + the extra X. This is an error in formation, not an inherited trait
Answered 3/19/2019
Neither: My colleagues have explained this well. It's not even inherited. If you were given this question in class by a teacher, bring it to the attention of the teacher's supervisor.
Answered 3/19/2019
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