Types os SIckle Cell: From nih, division of blood diseases and resources: sickle cell disease-ss: 65% of us patients; genotype s/s sickle cell disease-sc: 25% of us patients; genotype s/c sickle cell disease-s beta + thalassemia: 8% of us patients; genotype betas/ beta + thalassemia sickle cell disease-s beta 0 thalassemia: 2% of us patients; genotype betas/ beta 0 thalassemia.
Answered 7/20/2012
Two: Sickle cell anemia occurs when 2 abnormal hemoglobin genes are present and a person's body produces sickle cell hemoglobin exclusively. 1 sickle cell gene and a normal gene produce sickle trait, which has no symptoms. Other abnormal hemoglobin genes can combine with a sickle cell gene and produce other types of anemia. There are several other genetic hemoglobin abnormalities.
Answered 11/6/2012
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