Time for GI exam: With your chronicity, it is time for a GI evaluation to seek the best help. Best wishes.
Answered 10/14/2016
Need endoscopy: You should consult gastro - entrologist, I am sure he is going to order endoscopy, you might have ulceration of the esophogas, you tried enough medications , go for the definit diagnosis.
Answered 2/4/2015
Esophagitis: With the prior stomach surgery history, your answers to the issues you have are very difficult to give. You should see your primary physician and get an exam with a thorough history and some blood work. You could have some adhesions from the previous surgeries that are causing some transit problems. You could be dehydrated which could be causing the dizziness. See the doctor sooner vs later.
Answered 3/3/2016
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