A member asked:

Can you tell me are psychiatrist obligated to report domestic violence?

8 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Domestic Violence : Often, reporting domestic violence by most mental health professionals in many states e.g., california, is not usually required, unless it places a child in danger. In the latter case, child protective services must be notified. The overwhelming issue here is that any domestic violence victim/survivor should seek the help of a professional trained to assist the client to create a safety plan.

Answered 4/7/2016


Dr. John O'Malley answered

Specializes in Child Psychiatry

Report Children's Ab: The psychiatrist's legal obligation is to children to age 18 years. Also, if a patient has threatened to harm someone, including a spouse, we need to report that to the police so the intended victim can be warned. Domestic violence does not fit either of those reasons for reporting.

Answered 2/12/2014



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