A member asked:

Trying to quit smoking by using a smoke-free vaporizer tho it has nicotine.its helping but how safe is it? is it the same as regular smoking tobacco?

5 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

No: It doesn't have the same amount of nicotine and for many people. It is very helpful. Glad you're tring to quit.

Answered 12/29/2014


Dr. Randy Baker answered

Specializes in Holistic Medicine

Safer but not safe: Vaporized nicotine is almost certainly much safer than tobacco but that does not mean it is safe. Adequate research has not been done. I feel it can be useful to help you stop smoking but please don't continue it long-term. See http://wapo.St/oom8qu ; http://www.Medicalnewstoday.Com/articles/249784.Php for help stopping smoking see http://whyquit.Com/ ; http://bit.Ly/hpwz4p.

Answered 4/12/2019



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