A member asked:

Rear-neck/back pain for 2 mths, now less but get random daily tightness in front neck, face, jaw/teeth, arm tingling, headaches esp. when sitting long. mostly gone when wake up and worsens gradually?

12 doctors weighed in across 4 answers
Dr. Victor Bonuel answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

Get checked for: Muscle strain, arthritis and certainly ur anxiety and panic attacks can significantly conttribute to ur symptoms (which could be psychosomatic). Maintàin good posture.Try to do aerobic exercises, meditation, massage, humor and romance! hope u feel better soon! http://www.M.Webmd.Com/back-pain/default.Htm.

Answered 3/23/2020


Dr. Qamar Khan answered

Specializes in Pain Management

Evaluate Neck: If you are not improving have your doctor order a cervical spine mri. Many times a herniated disc in the neck can cause arm pain especially if you have not improved with the medications and physical therapy. If it is a herniated disc you may need evaluation from a spine specialist to determine what other options might be needed (injections, surgery, etc) to help reduce pain.

Answered 8/26/2015



Jaw and Muscle Pain: It appears that you have a serious TMJ and muscle dysfunction that causes these muscles to go into a spasm and the jaw joint (TMJ) to be misaligned. You seriously need treatment from a dentist that is very skilled at treating tmj. Only about 5% of dentist are really good in this realm in that they are very familiar with multiple treatment options to select from based on the patient needs.

Answered 3/18/2017


Dr. Louis Gallia answered

Specializes in Surgery - Oral & Maxillofacial

TMJ: TMj can be a cause of some or most of these symptoms. see oral surgeon for evaluation. If TMJ, see TMJ expert. Any dentist can be a TMJ expert with the proper training and experience. Most commonly, oral surgeons, prosthodontists, and orofacial pain specialists. Ask your MD, your dentist and your dental society for referrals.

Answered 3/27/2015



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