Back Pain: Lower back pain with radicular pain (shooting pain) to the buttocks and/or lower extremity. The pain can be constant or intermittent, and can be easily aggravated by certain physical activities.
Answered 3/17/2014
"sciatica": If you have low back pain which radiates down one or both legs in a dermatomal distribution, you could possess a ruptured disc which compresses a nerve root. Additional issues might involve reflex changes, weakness or muscular atrophy, and numbness/tingling of the afflicted limb. Trouble with urination is a late but ominous sign. See your doctor and get this evaluated.
Answered 8/10/2016
Pain down leg: If it is in your lower back, you will often have pain radiating down the back of the leg (sciatica).
Answered 3/4/2014
Pinched nerve: Pain is the most common sign with pain in the back and then sometimes radiating down the leg. In more severe cases there can be weakness and numbness in the legs.
Answered 3/4/2014
Need MRI: If you are concerned, i would consider asking your physician to order you an MRI to evaluate your spine.
Answered 6/10/2014
Pain: Bad discomfort in both back and one or both legs with exacerbation when you cough, sneeze, exert yourself, or roll over at night in bed could be signs of a ruptured disc compressing a nerve in your spine.
Answered 6/26/2014
11 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
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