A member asked:

I have adhd and i take adderall 5mg and it has no effect i recently got prescriped 20mg of vyvanse (lisdexamfetamine) and it only works for 3 hours why is this hapenning?

5 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Dose may be too low: It could be that the dose is too low. Recommend discussing with your doctor a trial of a higher dose.

Answered 1/2/2015


Dr. Carlos Barrios answered

Specializes in Child Psychiatry

Doses too low: These are minimal dose of each medication and as such these medications will tend to have an effect for only a few hours. Regular adder all is always only going to be short acting. Its good your medication is being titrated slowly to avoid side effects. But speak to your psychiatrist about further adjustments, that is what the solve on this. Take care.

Answered 5/28/2015



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