A member asked:

I have a painful rope like tube going from under my left breast down to my abdomen 2 weeks. can feel and see it. have had a mammo, sonogram, and xray, show nothing. the pain gets worse everyday.

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Possible gas: The colon takes a 90 degree turn in the upper left abdomen and gas may get trapped in this splenic flexure. If you feel somewhat bloated, drinking warm water and applying a hot water bottle helps break down and move the gas along. Another possibility could be adhesions from prior surgery. If it's gas try taking simethicone 1/2 hour after meals. Discuss these possibilities with your md.

Answered 1/31/2015



Painful tube: You need another opinion to determine the cause of the pain. You need more help to find out the cause of the pain. When was the exploratory surgery and what was found? Is this tube anywhere near the scar of the abdominal surgery? Could it a foreign body left over from a previous injury? Keep reporting to your doctor and keep searching for the answer to the painful tube.

Answered 1/31/2015



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