No: Spina bifida occulta is a mild defect of the spine where some of the bones don't completely fuse together to close the spinal canal. Usually occurring at the very bottom of the spine. This diagnosis is usually incidental. And it just may be a coincidence if a patient has both scoliosis and spina bifida occulta.
Answered 6/27/2013
Not that I know of: Spina bifida occulta is a failure of the vertebral arch to close completely. It is asymptomatic. In patients with neurologically involved spina bifida, scoliosis (lateral spine curvature) is associated.
Answered 3/10/2016
No: Spina bifida occult is a minor congenital variation without symptomatic or pathologic features. Meningomyelocele is major defect in spine where dieect in posterior spine exposes meninges and neural components of spine.These patients usually have problems of urinary and fecal incontinence and problems with legs, not able to walk.
Answered 11/9/2014
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