A member asked:

I heard your body converts tesosterone to estrogen when you have high levels. for this reason would a teenager benefit from an estrogen blocker?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. George Klauber answered

Specializes in Pediatric Urology

Not true: Estrogen blocker might be alright if in fact body converted t -> e. Ur possible confused by congenital adrenal problem (hyperplasia) where there is an enzyme deficiency in production of cortisol which causes overproduction of a testosterone-like hormone.

Answered 2/5/2014



No: Don't listen to nonsense you see on the internet. All men have low amounts of estrogen in addition to high amounts of testosterone, just like women have high levels of estrogn and low amounts of testosterone. You don't want to fool with mother nature. Having more testosterone or less estrogen will not make you any stronger, sexier, agile, or in any way better.

Answered 10/4/2016



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