A member asked:

Drooping in upper and lower eyelid of one eye, what to do?

12 doctors weighed in across 4 answers

A decrease or loss: of function of your orbicularis oculi or levator muscles (some of the muscles that control eyelid movement) can indicate a neurologic pathology that needs to be evaluated by your ophthalmologist.

Answered 1/15/2016



Have it evaluated: You should have this evaluated. Are there any other associated problems such as blurry vision or changes in pupil size? Are you seeing double? Any numbness in the cheek? A thorough eye exam should be performed especially if the problem is new in onset. See an ophthalmologist for a complete eye exam.

Answered 9/29/2016



Drooping of one eye: You may have natural asymmetry of the forehead and brows which can cause a suggestion that one eye droops or sags. You might have had trauma or a viral infection causing partial nerve weakness. You may have excess skin worse on one side versus the other. See a professional plastic surgeon, eye surgeon, or ENT surgeon whose has core training and experience with eyelids, face, and lids.

Answered 4/14/2015



See a doctor for : Evaluation and treatment. The best option is to see an Oculoplastic specialist.

Answered 6/24/2014



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