A member asked:

What causes bad smell in exhaling? i've no bad breath but been told breathing out through the nose smell bad.

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Neil McLeod answered

Specializes in Prosthodontics

Breath that sickens: Breath passing out from the lungs through the back of the throat (oro pharynx) past the opening of the sinuses and out through the mouth and nose can be tainted by any infected process or metabolic disorder. Other peoples' noses are very good at determining if something is out of the ordinary.Have this checked out. By products of bodily disorders are carried in the blood to the lungs.

Answered 9/26/2020


Dr. Dinh Bui answered

Sinusitis: If breathing out of the nose smell bad then you may suffer from sinusitis. Chronic use of nose spray also cause chronic sinus inflammation. Treat the cause, not the symptom. Go to your ENT to see a definitive diagnosis and treatment.

Answered 2/21/2019



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