A member asked:

No pregnancy symptoms periods are regular last periods was dec21now jan27white discharge -ve test results sometimes feel cramps am i pregnant?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Maybe not pregnant: It can be hard to tell if a woman is pregnant because some of the symptoms seen in early pregnancy can also happen in non-pregnant women. A urine pregnancy test gives a reliable result if done correctly. One can test about 3 weeks after sex (when conception might have occurred), or 1 week after missing a period. An ob-gyn doctor can evaluate any persistent or worrisome symptoms.

Answered 1/27/2014



Hard to say: The cramping may just mean that the period is about to start, a week or so late. If it doesn't start you should recheck a pregnancy test, b/c they can be inaccurate (not very often, but it can happen).

Answered 9/29/2016



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