A member asked:

Is there a possibility im pregnant? ok every time me ad my husband are intimate my ovaries hurt. i get random ovary cramps. i am discharging but i haven't started my period yet. i'm hesitant about a pregnancy test because they're always negative and i rea

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Heidi Fowler answered

Specializes in Psychiatry

Hello, : Hello, i would hold off on taking a pregnancy test until you have actually missed your period. Good luck and take care.

Answered 12/26/2018



Missed period?: If you miss your period by 4-5 days, do a home pregnancy test. If the result is negative repeat the test 4-5 days later unless you get a period by then. Use first morning urine and follow the instructions for the test carefully. Wish you good health!

Answered 12/26/2018



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