It can help: Periogard (chlorhexidine gluconate) or Chlorhexidine gluconate rinse is an antimicrobial mouthrinse that can help reduce the incidence of dry sockets, infections and promote wound healing. You can use it per the instructions provided by your dentist or surgeon who performed your surgery.
Answered 5/24/2015
Recently?: Depends on how long after surgery. I routinely prescribe such a rinse. If it's more than a few days after surgery, likely of no benefit. Ask your oral surgeon for advice.
Answered 5/24/2015
It is recommended: gently rinse your mouth with warm salt water or periogard (chlorhexidine gluconate) rinse every four hours and after meals for a week.
Answered 5/24/2015
No: Vigorous rinsing after extraction could remove the clot from the extraction site and cause bleeding. So no rinsing is recommended immediately after extraction up to a week. Perogard has 11.5% alcohol, the alcohol in periogard (chlorhexidine gluconate) could be an irritant.
Answered 2/24/2018
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