A member asked:

If my baby comes 5 weeks earily will there be anything wrong with her?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. John Scuba answered

Specializes in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

5 week premature: Usually not. The lungs are nearly developed, as are the liver and kidneys, so at this late date your baby should be fine. There are any number of resources which give statistics about various conditions that occur with premies, but survival rate is high and often the only thing necessary is an incubator. Discuss the major things to watch with your obg or neonatologist.

Answered 1/10/2014



Maybe: The chance that she will spend a week or so in an NICU for premature lung disease is about 50%. That said, recovery for 35 weekers is usually rather easy compared to many of the premi's they care for.keep in close touch with your delivery team and carry the baby as long as you can.Nothing beets the womb as the best place for baby to get ready for birth.

Answered 8/8/2016



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