A member asked:

Takin90mgdexe.stillcan'tfocus.i hav maj anxiety issues.tried xanax&it was a miracle. i'm aware of its effects. i'm doing so well now thou, what can i do?

4 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Treating side effect: Seems to me that your anxiety is likely made worse by the high-dose dexedrine. Also, Lexapro plus Dexedrine can cause mania. Instead of lexapro, wellbutrin by itself or with much less Dexedrine or with a different stimulant might improve attention (focus) with less anxiety and less need for xanax (alprazolam) that can be very addicting with a high potential for severe withdrawal symptoms if stopped suddenly.

Answered 6/27/2014



ANXIETY: 1st have a physical exam by a Dr. to determine if you have a physical illness. The most complete evaluation for medication is with a Psychiatrist. Please consult with a Clinical Psychologist for psychotherapy to help you with ZOOM.com sessions. Your fears and anxiety could be heightened because of the Covid-19 pandemic. Stay safe, cautious & hold on to hopefulness to elevate your immune system.

Answered 11/25/2020



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