A member asked:

Xanax (alprazolam) helps me concentrate and gives me energy and takes a away anxiety. dnt want 2 hav 2 take it all the time. any suggestions?

4 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Lynne Weixel answered

Specializes in Clinical Psychology

CBT Therapy: CBT therapy can teach skills to improve concentration, assess and budget energy and avoid, reduce and manage anxiety. This is the single best way of optimizing Mental Health treatment. All research finds that its combination w/ medication out performs that alone and often is adequate w/o drugs.

Answered 11/26/2020



ANXIETY: 1st have a physical exam by a Dr. to determine if you have a physical illness. The most complete evaluation for medication is with a Psychiatrist. Please consult with a Clinical Psychologist for psychotherapy to help you with ZOOM.com sessions. Your fears and anxiety could be heightened because of the Covid-19 pandemic. Stay safe, cautious & hold on to hopefulness to elevate your immune system.

Answered 11/25/2020



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