A member asked:

24 year old male have heart failure even after a few ekgs and blood work done ruling it out?. i have sharp pains in my left arm and chest

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Heart failure: Heart failure in a young male is uncommon, and you need to have a cardiology evaluation. Ecg and blood test do not have to be abnormal to confirm heart failure. The echocardiogram (ultrasound) of your heart is helpful to determine the degree of damage. In young people, the cause is usually not from bad arteries, but from congenital causes, infectious myocarditis, or valve damage. See cardiologist!

Answered 12/3/2013



Do more exams: It sounds that you are suffering from angina. Your doctor must investigate levels of cholesterol and other heart test. Watch your diet and stress on the mean time.

Answered 12/3/2013



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