A member asked:

Increased floaters by a few in both eyes over a year period. concerned about high myopias data, no retinal tear last month, but i see a few new ones today?

4 doctors weighed in across 3 answers

Not unusual: If you see change in central or side vision or increasing flashes call your doctor.

Answered 10/17/2013



See a retina doc: New/worse floaters and/or flashing lights and/or loss of peripheral vision require an urgent dilated retinal examination.

Answered 10/19/2013


Dr. Colin McCannel answered

Specializes in Retinal Surgery

Not really: Floaters in the eye have several causes. The most common cause is degeneration of the vitreous fluid. The floaters gradually get worse, and persist. Sudden increase in floaters may be caused by vitreous separation (detachment) and may associated with a retinal tear or detachment, and eye exam is advisable. In both of these situations, the floaters persist.

Answered 12/9/2013



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