MEDICATION DOSE: Tylenol (acetaminophen) or Acetaminophen comes in one strength now; 160 mg/5 ml (per teaspoonful). The older concentrated form has been taken out of market lately, which is good, there is less chance of overdosing. Dose range is 10-15 mg/kg body weight/dose. Your child is 6.65 kg. So the dose will be around 2.5 ml every 4-6 hours. Side note: your child's weight looks high for age, ask his pediatrician.
Answered 6/24/2014
Al little young: While infant tylenol (acetaminophen) is not recommended by the manufacturer until 2 years of age it is used and if so the dose in millilitres for the weight you have given is a total of 9 ml in divided doses over 24 hours. That is a very conservative dose so check with the child's pediatrician. Tylenol (acetaminophen) should always be based on weight and not age in children.
Answered 10/10/2013
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