A member asked:

If i drink cup of water, soda, joice i urinate 10 times in 2 hwors specialy at night and in the morning i feel pain in chest, stomach, near of my heart?

4 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Diabetes?: Have you been checked for diabetes? Frequent urination and thirst are the key symptoms of this. Don't just rely on a fasting glucose or hemoglobin a1c, get a 2 hour glucose tolerance test (gtt). Muscular pain is also common due to muscular hypoglycemia, the so-called "hungry muscle syndrome".

Answered 5/12/2015


Dr. Payam Rafat answered

Specializes in Podiatry

Have it evaluated: A person with chest pain needs to be evaluated and treated appropriately. Multiple possible causes may be: heart attack, esophageal reflux, anxiety, musculoskeletal, pneumonia, pulmonary embolus, and aortic dissection. Have it evaluated right away to prevent potential serious complications.

Answered 3/27/2014



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