A member asked:

My hpv warts are pretty much gone, i only have one spot now. can i start having intercourse again?

5 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Yes, but: Until all the lesions are actually gone, i would recommend use of a condom yet. Also, it is still not too late to consider hpv vaccine at your age. It may protect against strains of the virus you may not have had yet. Ask your doctor or ob/gyn about this very important vaccine (and your partner too!).

Answered 2/12/2015



Virus remains: Most people infected with hpv do not know it. You can destroy all the warts but may still have the virus for a long time. If you have sex with the same person exclusively, then you both are less likely to be surprized by a new std.

Answered 2/12/2015



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