Inflammation: It seems you are having anal and peri-anal irritation. The commonest condition is pruritus ani which is irritation in the perianal area due to incontinence or poor hygiene. A simple office examination can diagnose it and the treatment is usually keeping the area clean and mild topical corticosteroid creams.
Answered 11/4/2020
Get checked and have: A rectal exam done. It's the only way to check for cancer. Your dr may consider a colonoscopy if you haven't had one. Bless u:).
Answered 12/11/2020
Hemmorhoids: Many people present with "piles" and this can actually be the issue or one of many other problems that your doctor can help there are dietary, behavioral, hygiene modifications as well as procedures that can help these common problems.Both constipation and diarrhea can lead to this condition as well it is best if you consult with a general or colorectal surgeon to help with ruling out a fissure.
Answered 9/21/2020
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