A member asked:

My vagina is very tender and itches. no smell or has a pinkish duscharge.. is it a yeast infection.?

5 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Could be: Typical symptoms of a yeast infection are a cottage-cheese like discharge and vaginal itching. If you think you might have a yeast infection, try an over the counter yeast medication. If your symptoms do not go away after using the medication, you might consider visiting the doctor.

Answered 1/30/2021



It could be, but...: Vaginal yeast infection typically is itchy with a whitish cottage cheese type of discharge. Being diabetic or being on oral antibiotics recently predisposes you to having one . If you are having other symptoms besides these, then have yourself checked by your doctor as this can be something else.

Answered 9/28/2016



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