A member asked:

What is salpingitis?

13 doctors weighed in across 3 answers

Infection: Salpingitis is an infection and inflammation of the fallopian tube. The infection usually begins in the vagina and ascends to the fallopian tubes. Symptoms include abdominal pain, lower back pain, vaginal discharge, pain during intercourse, nausea, vomiting, and bloating.

Answered 9/28/2016



Inflammatory process: Salpingitis is inflammation of the fallopian tubes, which extend from the uterus to the area of the overy. It is a componant of a condition called pelvic inflammatory disease. Stds are often a cause, but vaginal bacteria has also been implicated. Symptoms include pain, rectal discomfort, vaginal discharge and abnormal bleeding. Treatment requires antibiotic therapy and close gynocologic follow up.

Answered 3/6/2013



Inflammation: Salpingitis is the inflammation of the fallopian tube. This inflammation is usually caused by an infection. Common infections can be chlamydia or gonorrhea. Other infections can come from tubal disease that has been left untreated for a while.

Answered 8/5/2015



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