A member asked:

My partner came on my thighs , not sure if it did go near vagina but we quickly got everything washed from water . will i still get pregnant? i am late for my periods already and i have pcos too?

3 doctors weighed in across 3 answers

Sperm has to enter your vagina during an ejaculation into your vagina. Sperm dies outside your vagina in 3-5 minutes. Since your so worried and know your past sexual history, than take a home test.

Answered 6/12/2023


Dr. Hunter Handsfield answered

Specializes in Infectious Disease

There is rarely any chance of pregnancy without ejaculation inside the vagina. I wouldn't worry about it. That said, it sounds like you should be on proper contraception. Even if you don't intend penetrative sex, most people eventually give in to temptation when things get hot and heavy. Please get on proper contraception ASAP; and also keep condoms handy as a back-up and for STD prevention.

Answered 6/12/2023


Dr. Silviu Pasniciuc answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

With vaginal intercourse pregnancy remains possible, unclear if that took place prior to him ejaculating on your thighs, if no intercourse, pregnancy is not possible.

Answered 6/12/2023



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