A member asked:

Dog licked my vagina a lot of years ago(very embarrassed) and i've always been having yellow discharge and a bit of a strong smell? could this be bad? also if i get tested for an std would my doctor know it could have been a dog?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

A dogs' mouth has usually less germs than a humans' and they don't carry a STD. An event years ago would not be the cause of your smelly discharge today. Vaginal mucus is great food for many types of germs and only proper testing can decide if they are simple bowel contaminants (common) or an STD, Get checked. It is not uncommon. You don't need to talk about the dog.

Answered 8/11/2022



Dog licking does not cause STD. This should not prevent you from seeing your MD and be treated for your symptoms are not related to the episode

Answered 8/4/2022



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