A member asked:

Toddler poop light tanish/green. diet is primarily veggies (squash peas cauliflower carrots broccoli corn zucchini chick peas and pinto beans) as well as milk every day and chicken occasionally. consistency is good. is poop color ok?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

The main agent adding color to the poo is the material made by the liver called bile. It starts out a dark green and goes thru the greens to yellows to brown depending on the influences of various factors in the intestines. Rapid transit thru the system, as may occur with diarrhea or breast feeding may have a greenish yellow or yellow appearance. The slower, more likely browner.

Answered 9/17/2021


Dr. Christine Hom answered

Specializes in Pediatrics

This sounds like a very healthy diet. Stool color can change depending on the diet and on the "transit time" or speed it takes for food to pass through the intestinal tract. Check with your pediatrician that your child is growing and gaining weight on target. Best wishes.

Answered 10/2/2021



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