Not likely at all: You are very unlikely to get pregnant from that one episode of unprotected genito-sexual intercourse on the 2nd menstrual day of a normal cycle. Since "washing your vagina right after ejaculation" is not going to prevent you from getting pregnant in the future, it would be best to consult a gyn about a long-acting-reversible-contraceptive (an intrauterine device or a subdermal implant)+use condoms
Answered 1/24/2021
Unlikely, but yes: Possible to get pregnant at any time during menstrual cyclebecause eprem can survive at least 5 days within vagina or uterus. Thus unprotected sex during menstruation isn't safe if you want to avoid pregnancy. Suggest you get pregnancy test & also consider orthodox contraception of BCP, IUD or partner uses condom.
Answered 1/26/2021
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