A member asked:

Got yeast infection, took monistat 3 day, last treatment noticed pink discharge. next day noticed it. on pill, had sex on 2nd but was not came into. ?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Probably protected: Pink discharge is probably from yeast infection doubt if it is breakthrough bleeding. Since you are on pill you are protected even your partner was came into. Monistat does not decrease the effectiveness of the bcp.

Answered 9/11/2018


Dr. Jeff Livingston answered

Specializes in Obstetrics and Gynecology

Monistat: Monistat is an effective treatment for vaginal yeast. If you had sex while being treated then the vaginal secretions would mix with the Monsitat cream as well as fix with the yeast thus creating some abnormal discharge.

Answered 9/11/2018



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